Category Archives: Learning The Accent

The American English Accent – The Voiced and Unvoiced

The voiced and unvoiced consonants In this section we will try to clarify the difference between the voiced consonants and the unvoiced consonants. If you want to master English pronunciation you have to able to distinguish between these two types of consonants. This is necessary for you to learn the proper pronunciation when you learn new vocabulary. And more importantly you need to know the difference between voiced and unvoiced consonants to be able to pronounce the words of English correctly. What makes one consonant be voiced […]

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The Importance of a Proper Accent in English or in Any Language

How to Improve Your Accent Are you tired of people asking you to repeat because they don’t understand you? Your friends say, “Just do this!” and they expect you to make the sound! Would you like to learn once and for all what to do with your lips, tongue and mouth to make the sounds of English? Do you feel that everything sounds the same? You know you are pronouncing the words wrong; you know that you are pausing too much; you know that when you talk, […]

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How to Develop An American Accent

Many people who choose to learn English as a foreign language opt for developing an American accent. This may be because they have the intention to either travel to the United States or reside there and speaking English with a native accent can be an advantage to prevent alienation. For anyone learning English there are several ways to tackle the language. Attending classes held in a classroom, private tuition and online courses are just some of the ways you can learn English. But developing a native American […]

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