Category Archives: Speaking American English

How the American Accent Can Work for You

Intelligence, personality and ability or just some of the qualities sort after when it comes to hiring new recruits. Just like all the other candidates applying for the post, those of foreign origin share these qualities. The only thing that can possibly hold them back or work against them is their lack of American accent or rather presence of a heavy foreign accent. For some employers, communication is vital and anything considered problematic is likely to be eliminated from the get go. Foreigners are generally discriminated against […]

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The American Accent – Pronunciation of the Vowels

The English Vowel SOUNDS Many learners of English have a distinct accent because they pronounce English with the vowels of their language. They commit this error because the English vowels are “something like” the vowel sounds of their native language, but they are not the same! It is not enough to listen to radio and TV. Most people will only hear the sounds of their native language and will not learn how to pronounce the different sounds of a new language such as English. Let’s look at […]

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Why You Should Learn the American Accent

For many foreigners choosing to immigrate to the US it is important for them to improve not only on their knowledge of the English language but also their American accent. Without doubt an authentic sounding American accent can open up many more opportunities, particularly where employment opportunities are concerned. This said, losing your foreign accent is not a requirement but a heavy foreign accent can be seen to hold you back and be a slight disadvantage due to the acceptance and tolerance levels of many Americans. So […]

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