Tag Archives: consonants

The American English Accent – The Voiced and Unvoiced

The voiced and unvoiced consonants In this section we will try to clarify the difference between the voiced consonants and the unvoiced consonants. If you want to master English pronunciation you have to able to distinguish between these two types of consonants. This is necessary for you to learn the proper pronunciation when you learn new vocabulary. And more importantly you need to know the difference between voiced and unvoiced consonants to be able to pronounce the words of English correctly. What makes one consonant be voiced […]

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The American English Accent – The Explosive T and P Sounds

The “explosive consonants” Earlier we said that the vowels are an important factor in hearing a “foreign” accent. But it is not only the vowels. The consonants also must be mastered. When we say that English consonants are “explosives”, we mean that they are pronounced with a sudden release of air. It is this characteristic that marks the accent of an English speaker when they try to speak your language. You should try to speak like an American and you will be reaching for the American English […]

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